Zwangerschap : Public Health England, Stopping smoking in pregnancy -
women will choose to use e-cigarettes during their pregnancy or may be already using e-cigarettes when they become pregnant.
If a pregnant woman chooses to use an e-cigarette or has already stopped smoking with the use of an e-cigarette and feels that it helps her to stay smokefree, she should not be discouraged from doing.
Written evidence submitted by the British Heart Foundation -
Britse Heart Foundation is voorzichtig positief over het gebruik van E-sigaretten: “Emerging evidence suggests that electronic cigarettes cause significantly less harm than smoking tobacco products, and can be useful as a smoking cessation aid.”
Vapers and non-smokers have the same flourishing gut flora - April 30, 2018, Newcastle University -
The international team of researchers led by Newcastle University, analysed the bacteria of tobacco smokers, users of e-cigarettes and non-smokers from samples throughout the digestive tract, including in the mouth and gut. Significant changes were found in the gut bacteria of the smokers, with an increase in the Prevotella bacteria which is linked to an increased risk of colon cancer and colitis. There was also a decrease in the presence of Bacteroides in smokers, a beneficial bacteria or probiotic. A lower level of Bacteroides has been associated with Crohn's disease and obesity. In contrast, the gut flora of those using e-cigarettes was the same as a non-smoker.
Lees ook :
To vape or not to vape? The RCGP position on e-cigarettes -

The Relationship Between Electronic Cigarette Use and Conventional Cigarette Smoking Is Largely Attributable to Shared Risk Factors -
E-cigarette use does not appear to be associated with current, continued smoking. Instead, the apparent relationship between e-cigarette use and current conventional smoking is fully explained by shared risk factors...” “....thus failing to support claims that e-cigarettes have a causal effect on concurrent conventional smoking among youth.”
Onderzoek uit 1942. Atmospheres containing propylene glycol vapor are invisible, odorless, and non-irritating. This glycol is essentially non-toxic when given orally and intravenously.
Concentrations of 1 gm. of propylene glycol vapor in two to four million cc. of air produced immediate and complete sterilization of air into which pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci, H. influenzae, and other microorganisms as well as influenza virus had been sprayed. With lesser concentrations of propylene glycol, rapid and marked reduction in the number of air-borne bacteria occurred, but complete sterilization of the air required a certain interval of time. Pronounced effects on both pneumococci and hemolytic streptococci were observed when concentrations as low as 1 gm. of glycol to fifty million cc. of air were employed.
Tests for the chronic toxicity of propylexe glycol and triethylene glycol on monkeys and rats by vapor inhalation and oral administration (propylene glycol) -
Gepubliceerd in The Journal of Pharmacology
With a view to determining the safety of employing the vapors of propylene glycol and triethylene glycol in atmospheres inhabited by human beings, monkeys and rats were exposed continuously to high concentrations of these vapors for periods of 12 to 18 months. Equal numbers of control animals were maintained under physically similar conditions.
Comparative observations on the growth rates, blood counts, urine examinations, kidney function tests, fertility and general condition of the test and control groups, exhibited no essential differences between them with the exception that the rats in the glycol atmospheres exhibited consistently higher weight gains. Some drying of the skin of the monkeys' faces occurred after several months continuous exposure to a heavy fog of triethylene glycol. However, when the vapor concentration was maintained just below saturation by means of the glycostat this effect did not occur.
Examination at autopsy likewise failed to reveal any differences between the animals kept in glycolized air and those living in the ordinary room atmosphere. Extensive histological study of the lungs was made to ascertain whether the glycol had produced any generalized or local irritation. None was found. The kidneys, liver, spleen and bone marrow also were normal.
Bekijk ook:
LABORATORY ANIMALS: Chronic Exposure or Carcinogenicity/ Monkeys and rats /exposed/ to atmospheres saturated with propylene glycol vapor .../experienced/ no adverse effects .. after periods of 12-18 months. No adverse effects were noted, and there were no increases in tumor incidences in rats fed diets containing up to 5% propylene glycol for two years.
LABORATORY ANIMALS: Chronic Exposure or Carcinogenicity/ In a continuous-exposure inhalation study, rats were exposed to 0.17-0.35 mg/L propylene glycol for 18 months and a chronic toxicity lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL) of 0.35 mg/L was established based on a 50% increase in body weight. There were no other effects observed in treated animals in this study.
Study shows absence of e-cigarette toxins -
Yet another study shows absence of e-cigarette toxins.
Een nieuwe studie gepubliceerd in The International Journal of Research and Public Health concludeert dat er geen noemenswaardige (lees: traceerbare) toxische of mutagene stoffen gevonden zijn in de damp van electronische sigaretten.
Studie: verbeteringen bij astma en COPD patienten na overstap naar e-sigaret -
[Electronic cigarette use and harm reversal emerging evidence in the lung]
Verschillende studies geven aan dat rokers die overstappen op e-sigaretten een onmiddellijke verbetering van hun luchtwegklachten en longfunctie. De gerapporteerde verbeteringen van de luchtwegen bij patiënten die elektronische sigaret gebruikers zijn geworden zijn in overeenstemming met de bevindingen van een grote internet-enquête van de reguliere EG-gebruikers gediagnosticeerd met astma en COPD. Een verbetering van de symptomen van astma en COPD werd gemeld bij 65,4% en 75,7% van de respondenten.
Studie : E-sigaretten versus nicotinepleisters bij rokers die chirurgische ingreep moeten ondergaan -
Het onderzoek is te vinden op : E-cigarettes versus nicotine patches for perioperative smoking cessation: a pilot randomized trial.
De onderzoekers vinden E-sigaretten een haalbaar hulpmiddel voor perioperatieve stoppen met roken bij veteranen. Het is vergelijkbaar met nicotinepleister. De Spirometrie longmetingen lijken 8-weken na het starten van het gebruik e-sigaretten te zijn verbeterd in vergelijking met nicotinepleisters. Een verklaring hiervoor kan zijn dat in de E-sigaretten groep de vermindering van het roken groter was, en mogelijk als gevolg van een slechtere basislijn spirometrie.
Safety of Electronic Cigarette Use During Breastfeeding: Qualitative Study Using Online Forum Discussions -
(info voor zwangere vrouwen) Conclusie studie: E-sigaret kan aantal vrouwen verminderen dat na bevalling terugvalt naar roken. En borstvoedingscijfers verbeteren, wanneer moeders toegang hebben tot betrouwbare informatie. Zorgverleners moeten overwegen om E-sigaretten te bespreken.
Safety evaluation and risk assessment of electronic cigarettes as tobacco cigarette substitutes: a systematic review -
This systematic review appraises existing laboratory and clinical research on the potential risks from electronic cigarette use, compared with the well-established devastating effects of smoking tobacco cigarettes. Currently available evidence indicates that electronic cigarettes are by far a less harmful alternative to smoking and significant health benefits are expected in smokers who switch from tobacco to electronic cigarettes.
Roken of blootstelling aan passief roken tijdens de zwangerschap is verantwoordelijk voor een verhoogd aantal doodgeborenen, complicaties tijdens de bevalling, vroeggeboorte, miskramen, aangeboren afwijkingen en Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Op bas -
Het onderzoek is te lezen in het Wiley’s Obstetrics and Gynaecology journal :
Electronic cigarettes and obstetric outcomes: a prospective observational study
RIVM onderzoek: totaal onrealistische situaties zeggen niets over de werkelijkheid -
Scenario 1 : twee e-sigaret gebruikers (dampers) die 1 uur rijden in een ongeventileerde, afgesloten en kleine auto met kind op de achterbank. Deze dampers nemen allebei om de 2 minuten 1 hijs van hun damper en dat dus gedurende een uur, elk 30 hijsjes. (Ik heb in de praktijk nog nooit iemand meegemaakt die in dusdanig hoog tempo achter elkaar hijst aan een e-sigaret)
Er wordt dus geen rekening mee gehouden dat:
- één van de dampers de auto bestuurt, en dit echt niet kan zonder regelmatig een hijs te moeten ‘overslaan’; En eigenlijk achter elkaar door dampen voor een bestuurder al helemaal niet realistisch is.
- in dit scenario de dampproductie in een kleine ongeventileerde ruimte dusdanige zal zijn, dat men eerder door een mist van damp binnen in de auto, ergens tegen aan botst dan dat men het kind eventuele vermoedelijke schade toebrengt door het blootstellen aan uitgeademde damp.
- Dit scenario herhaalt zich 7 dagen per week, waarbij het kind dus dagelijks een uur lang wordt blootgesteld aan de uitgeademde damp van twee stevig doordampende dampers in een kleine, afgesloten ongeventileerde auto.
En als je verder leest, dan blijkt dat ondanks deze extreme omstandigheden, er qua"gevaar" er weinig dreigends te vinden is in de omgevingslucht in deze auto. Zelfs door keuze voor dampvloeistof waar wat stofjes in zaten die bedenkelijke zouden kunnen zijn (wat zelden voorkomt bij andere merken en smaken van dampvloeistof), kan ken niet zo ver komen te stellen dat er echt ernstige dingen gebeuren.
Propylene Glycol is NOT respiratory irritant according RAC -
Propane -1,2-diolPropane-1,2-diol is, among many other uses, commonly used to produce artificial smoke with generators in theatres, discotheques, emergency trainings or is used as a liquid forvaporisa-tion in electronic cigarettes. The substance does currently not have an entry in Annex VI to CLP. RAC did not agree to the proposal by Germany to classify the substance as respiratory irritant (STOT SE 3; H335)
PHE-Public Health England : Vaping in England: 2020 evidence update summary -
Non-clinical safety and pharmacokinetic evaluations of propylene glycol aerosol in Sprague-Dawley rats and Beagle dogs. -
These studies allowed us to conclude that PG aerosol generated with the capillary aerosol generator could be administered safely in man, with an adequate margin of safety needed to conduct "first-time-in-man" human exposure studies.
No Fire, No Smoke – the Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction 2018 -
The GSTHR report maps for the first time the global, regional and national availability and use of SNP, the regulatory responses to these products, and the public health potential of tobacco harm reduction.
Nicotine “no more harmful to health than caffeine” -
Public confusion reigns with 9 in 10 believing nicotine is harmful to health
Nicotine Itself Isn't The Real Villain -
Heel erg totaal informatief stuk over nicotine en alles daar omheen.
It isn’t the stuff that can cause serious illness and death from cancer, lung, and heart disease. Those culprits are the tar and toxic gases that are released from burning tobacco when you smoke.
Nicotine And Cancer - Is There Any Link? -
Nicotine has no association with cancer. There is no supportable evidence to link nicotine with cancer, and a vast amount of evidence (and irrefutable facts) that there is no such link. The UK national clinical guidance authority, NICE, have made this very clear in their official guidance to doctors.
Nicotine absorption from e-cigarettes over 12 months. -
“Findings suggest there may be little benefit in reducing nicotine e-liquid concentration since this appears to result in higher e-liquid consumption which may incur both a financial and health cost.”
It’s a shame the EU rules (based on older devices) set a maximum of 20mg/ml.
New Study Finds Vaping is Not Associated with Cardiovascular Disease among Never Smokers; But Tobacco Control Researcher Dismisses Findings -
A new study published online ahead of print in the American Journal of Medicine reports that there is no association between vaping and cardiovascular disease among never smokers.
Metal emissions from e-cigarettes: a risk assessment analysis of a recently-published study -
Er worden geen giftige metalen uitgestoten door E-sigaretten.
Dat is de uitkomst van een onderzoek uitgevoerd door de bekende artsen en onderzoekers Konstantinos Farsalinos en Brad Rodu.
Langetermijnstudie over gebruik E-sigaretten bij niet-rokers -
Bij gebruikers die 3½ jaar werden gevolgd, vonden we geen afname van spirometrische indices, ontwikkeling van respiratoire symptomen, veranderingen in markers van longontsteking in uitgeademde lucht of bevindingen van vroege longschade op HRCT. Zelfs de zwaarste Esigaret gebruikers vertoonden geen enkel bewijs van opkomend longletsel zoals weerspiegeld in deze fysiologische, klinische of inflammatoire onderzoeken. Bovendien werden geen veranderingen in bloeddruk of hartslag genoteerd. Aangezien de Esigaret gebruikers die we hebben bestudeerd nooit rokers waren, konden potentiële verstoringen door inhalatie van verbrandingsproducten van tabak worden voorkomen. Onderzoek :
Joint statement from Public Health bodies. E-cigarettes: an emerging public health consensus -
We all agree that e-cigarettes are significantly less harmful than smoking. One in two lifelong smokers dies from their addiction. All of the evidence suggests that the health risks posed by e-cigarettes are relatively small by comparison.
Is Propylene Glycol Dangerous to Inhale? The Truth About PG in E-Cigs. -
PG (Propylene Glycol) is de meest gebruikte basisstof in de E-sigaret, wordt al jarenlang gebruikt in voedsel, medicijnen, creme´s en make up artikelen. PC is ook al zo´n 40 jaar of langer wetenschappelijk onderzocht. Ook wordt het gebruikt in inhalers voor mensen met longziekten, als drager voor medicijnen. Het opmerkelijkste is nog dat het gebruikt wordt in kinderziekenhuizen. Het veroorzaakt daar namelijk een daling in infecties. PG heeft geen schadelijke gevolgen voor het menselijk lichaam. Sommige mensen zijn gevoelig voor PG, en kunnen kleine irritaties aan ogen of luchtwegen krijgen. Die ophouden zodra ze niet meer in aanraking komen met PG.
Health effects in COPD smokers who switch to electronic cigarettes: a retrospective-prospective 3-year follow-up -
Results: Complete data were available from 44 patients. Compared to baseline in the EC-user group, there was a marked decline in the use of conventional cigarettes. Although there was no change in lung function, significant improvements in COPD exacerbation rates, CAT scores, and 6MWD were observed consistently in the EC user group over the 3-year period (p<0.01). Similar findings were noted in COPD EC users who also smoked conventional cigarettes (“dual users”).
Conclusion: The present study suggests that EC use may ameliorate objective and subjective COPD outcomes and that the benefits gained may persist long-term. EC use may reverse some of the harm resulting from tobacco smoking in COPD patients.
Geboortegewicht baby’s van e-sigaret gebruikende moeders zelfde als bij niet-rokers -
Het onderzoek is te lezen in het Wiley’s Obstetrics and Gynaecology journal :
Electronic cigarettes and obstetric outcomes: a prospective observational study
Een Iers onderzoek toont aan dat het geboortegewicht van baby’s van zwangere vrouwen die volledig zijn overgeschakeld van roken naar e-sigaretten gebruiken, vergelijkbaar is met dat van niet-rokers. En dat was aanzienlijk hoger dan het gemiddelde gewicht van de baby’s van rokende moeders.
Formaldehyde - Physical and chemical properties -
Bij e-sigaretten wordt een enkele keer bij normaal gebruik dus ook formaldehyde gemeten. Meestal is dat erg weinig of nauwelijks meer dan zich in de omgevingslucht bevindt.
Bij verkeerd gebruik (oververhitting van de e-sigaret) kan er formaldehyde ontstaan. Een stof die in kleine hoeveelheden overal voorkomt. Maar in grotere hoeveelheden kankerverwekkend kan zijn.
Formaldehyde komt OVERAL vandaan. En wordt door het metabolisme van elk organisme geproduceerd. Ook komt het bijvoorbeeld vrij bij het koken van een (vegetarische) maaltijd. Maar ook door verdamping uit meubels en bouwmaterialen.
Er zijn testen gedaan met levende proefpersonen die in een afgesloten ruimte dampen en daar is formaldehyde e.d. gevonden, in vergelijkbare hoeveelheden als een niet-roker-damper uitademt. Het is namelijk zo dat mensen van nature uit CO, formaldehyde en nog een heleboel toxische producten uitademen.
Onderzoek 2017 : E-cigarettes emit very high formaldehyde levels only in conditions that are aversive to users: A replication study under verified realistic use conditions
Conclusie : In realistic conditions, formaldehyde in e-cigarettes is lower than cigarette smoke. En komen alleen voor in zogenaamde "Dry puffs", waarbij de vloeistofkoeling door niet op tijd bijvullen is ontstaan.
Estimating the Harms of Nicotine-Containing Products Using the MCDA Approach -
An international expert panel convened by the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs developed a multi-criteria decision analysis model of the relative importance of different types of harm related to the use of nicotine-containing products. The group scored all the products on each criterion for their average harm worldwide. Interpretation: Cigarettes are the nicotine product causing by far the most harm to users and others in the world today. Attempts to switch to non-combusted sources of nicotine should be encouraged as the harms from these products are much lower.
Electronic cigarettes: no adverse effects on blood and oxygen supply to the heart -
Researchers at Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center evaluated the effects of electronic cigarette use on the maximal ability of the coronary arteries to supply with blood and oxygen the heart itself. They recruited 60 participants, 30 smokers and 30 electronic cigarette users. Measurement of maximal coronary blood flow was performed in smokers before and after smoking 2 cigarettes and, on a separate day, after using an electronic cigarette with 18mg/ml nicotine concentration for 15 minutes. In electronic cigarette users, coronary circulation was evaluated before and after using the same electronic cigarette device for 15 minutes.
After smoking 2 cigarettes, the researchers observed a 16% reduction in maximal coronary blood flow and a 19% elevation in resistance to flow. However, after electronic cigarette use, no difference in coronary blood flow and resistance was observed compared to the baseline measurement. “The results are impressive and indicate that, unlike tobacco, electronic cigarette use does not affect the oxygenation of the heart”
Electronic cigarettes, contrary to tobacco, do not stiffen the arteries -
Samengevat komt het er op neer dat die stijfheid een tijdelijk effect is, en dat zelfde effect ontstaat na een kop koffie drinken en veel andere dingen die we doen zoals het kijken naar een spannende film. En heeft geen schadelijke gevolgen op de lange termijn.
Blood vessels need to be elastic in order to properly deliver blood from the heart to the vital organs. It is well-known that one of the main adverse effects of smoking is acute stiffening of the blood vessels.
Researchers from Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center in Greece recruited 108 healthy subjects (51 smokers and 57 electronic cigarette users). All participants were evaluated at baseline, after smoking and vaping abstinence for 8 hours. Smokers were asked to smoke 2 tobacco cigarettes and use an 18mg/ml nicotine-containing electronic cigarette for 10 minutes on 2 separate days; electronic cigarette users were evaluated after 10 minutes of electronic cigarette use. Subjects were evaluated 20 minutes after use, by echocardiographic measurement of 3 elasticity parameters of the aorta.
Smoking 2 tobacco cigarettes caused significant stiffening of the aorta; all measured parameters showed a 17-22% worsening of elastic properties. On the contrary, both in smokers and electronic cigarette users, no difference was observed after electronic cigarette use. The results are important because aortic elasticity is a significant predictor of future cardiovascular events.
Watching a suspense movie also increases aortic stiffness, but no one would argue that watching a movie has cardiovascular effects that are "as bad as smoking,
Effect of nicotine patches in pregnancy on infant and maternal outcomes at 2 years: follow-up from the randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled SNAP trial -
Infants born to women who used NRT for smoking cessation in pregnancy were more likely to have unimpaired development.
Baby's van vrouwen die NRT (nicotine pleisters) gebruikt voor het stoppen met roken tijdens de zwangerschap hadden meer kans om ongeschonden ontwikkeling van hun baby. Deze vrouwen werden vergeleken met een groep die gestopt waren met roken en een placebo kregen en persoonlijke begeleiding. Opmerkelijk is dus hierbij dat nicotine pleisters gebruiken dus een positieve invloed had, vergeleken bij geen nicotine gebruiken.
Ecigs Health Effects R Cranfield Nov 24 2015 -
Van E-sigaret gebruikers die 3 jaar of langer e-sigaretten gebruiken, meldde 96% een verbeterde gezondheid vanaf het moment van overstappen van roken naar e-sigaret. 62% meldde dat gezondheidsproblemen die door roken ontstaan waren, verdwenen na overstap op e-sigaretten. Gebruikers die nooit gerookt hadden, kregen bleven gezond en ontwikkelden geen klachten-
Differential Effects of E-Cigarette on Microvascular Endothelial Function, Arterial Stiffness and Oxidative Stress: A Randomized Crossover Trial. -
“Our findings demonstrated that high temperature e-cigarette vehicle vaporization does not alter micro- and macro-vascular function, and oxidative stress, and that these effects are solely attributable to nicotine.”
Comparing the cancer potencies of emissions from vapourised nicotine products including e-cigarettes with those of tobacco smok -
Deze studie (okt 2017) uitgevoerd door William E. Stephens, Van de St Andrews universiteit – Schotland, UK, vergelijkt damp van E-sigaretten en damp van Heat Not Burn apparaten zoals de iQOS met tabaksrook. Hij concludeerde :
-> De meeste E-sigaretanalyses geven aan dat de kans dat de E-sigaretdamp kankerverwekkend is minder dan 1% vergeleken met tabaksrook
-> Bij de Heat-not-Burn is de kans dat de damp kankerverwekkend is minder dan 10% vergeleken bij tabak roken. Wel was er een minderheid van analyses hogere potenties aangeeft.
Comparative In Vitro Toxicity Profile of Electronic and Tobacco Cigarettes, Smokeless Tobacco and Nicotine Replacement Therapy Products: E-Liquids, Extracts and Collected Aerosols -
In deze studie, worden in vitrode cytotoxiciteit, mutageniteit, genotoxiciteit en ontstekingsreacties van bepaalde commerciële e-sigaretten onderzocht en vergeleken met brandbare tabaksigaretten, rookloze tabak (SLT) producten en een nicotinevervangende therapie (NRT ) product.
De onderhavige bevindingen wijzen erop dat noch de e-sigaret vloeistoffen of noch de extracten van de SLT en NRT produceren toxische effecten produceren in deze vitro testsystemen. Terwijl de sigarettenrook preparaten bij vergelijkbare blootstelling sterk cytotoxische en genotoxische zijn.
Blood Pressure Control in Smokers with Arterial Hypertension Who Switched to Electronic Cigarettes. -
The study concludes that regular ECs use may aid smokers with arterial hypertension reduce or abstain from cigarette smoking, with only trivial post-cessation weight gain. This resulted in improvements in systolic and diastolic blood pressure as well as better blood pressure control.
De studie concludeert dat regelmatig e-sigaret gebruik rokers met arteriële hypertensie (=voortdurenden hoge bloeddruk) kan helpen deze te verlagen of door zich te onthouden van het roken van sigaretten, met slechts triviale post-stopzetting gewichtstoename. Dit resulteerde in verbetering van de systolische en diastolische bloeddruk en een betere gecontroleerde bloeddruk.
Biomarkers of Tobacco Exposure Decrease After Smokers Switch to an E-Cigarette or Nicotine Gum -
Biomarkers van tabaksverbranding daalden tot vergelijkbare niveaus in zowel E-sigaretten gebruikergroep als - als in de nicotinekauwgum groep. Dus wat gezondheid betreft een tot een vergelijkbaar niveau. Geen verschil tussen de NRT en e-sigaret groepen (alleen nicotine was hoger in de e-sigaret groep maar dat is te verklaren door de hogere dosis nicotine in de vloeistof)

Bactericidal activity of propylene glycol, glycerine, polyethylene glycol 400, and polyethylene glycol 1000 against selected microorganisms -
In a classical experiment, 1mg of propylene glycol vapour in two to four million cc. of air produced complete sterilisation of air into which pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci, H. influenzae , and other microorganisms as well as influenza virus had been sprayed. Vaping may provide a degree of antimicrobial protection.
Association of electronic cigarette use with lead, cadmium, barium, and antimony body burden: NHANES 2015-2016 -
In multivariable analyses adjusted for sex, race/ethnicity, age, and poverty levels, current or former e-cigarette use failed to reach a statistical significance in the association with metals. However, participants with a smoking history were more likely to have higher blood lead and urinary cadmium than participants who neither used e-cigarettes nor cigarettes.
In multivariabele analyses gecorrigeerd voor geslacht, ras / etniciteit, leeftijd en armoedeniveau, bereikte het huidige of voormalige gebruik van e-sigaretten geen statistische significantie in de associatie met metalen. Deelnemers met een rokers-achtergrond hadden echter meer kans op een hoger loodgehalte in het bloed en cadmium in de urine dan deelnemers die geen e-sigaretten of sigaretten gebruikten.
ASHES, Vol. 15(4) - Smoking and health: Quitting with traditional approaches vs. e-cigarettes -
Smokers who quit by switching to vaping have better health than those who quit using "approved" methods.
An Assessment of Indoor Air Quality before, during and after Unrestricted Use of E-Cigarettes in a Small Room -
In this study, the data suggest that any additional chemicals present in indoor air from the exhaled e-cigarette aerosol, are unlikely to present an air quality issue to bystanders at the levels measured when compared to the regulatory standards that are used for workplaces or general indoor air quality
2019-03 Britse regeringswebsite gezondheidszorg UK - Nicotine - Key findings -
- The addictiveness of nicotine depends on the delivery system.
- It is possible that the addictiveness of tobacco cigarettes may be enhanced by compounds in the smoke other than nicotine.
- It is not yet clear how addictive e-cigarettes are, or could be, relative to tobacco cigarettes.
- long-term use of nicotine by ‘snus’ (a low nitrosamine form of smokeless tobacco) users has not been found to increase the risk of serious health problems in adults, and use of nicotine replacement therapy by pregnant smokers has not been found to increase risk to the foetus.
2019-03 Britse regeringswebsite gezondheidszorg UK - E-sigaret Health risks of e-cigarettes 9.1 Key findings -
- One assessment of the published data on emissions from cigarettes and e-cigarettes calculated the lifetime cancer risks. It concluded that the cancer potencies of e-cigarettes were largely under 0.5% of the risk of smoking.
- Comparative risks of cardiovascular disease and lung disease have not been quantified but are likely to be also substantially below the risks of smoking. Among e-cigarette users, 2 studies of biomarker data for acrolein, a potent respiratory irritant, found levels consistent with non-smoking levels.
- There have been some studies with adolescents suggesting respiratory symptoms among e-cigarette experimenters. However, small scale or uncontrolled switching studies from smoking to vaping have demonstrated some respiratory improvements.
- E-cigarettes can release aldehydes if e-liquids are overheated, but the overheating generates an aversive taste.
- To date, there is no clear evidence that specific flavourings pose health risks but there are suggestions that inhalation of some could be a source of preventable risks.
- To date, the levels of metals identified in e-cigarette aerosol do not give rise to any significant safety concerns, but metal emissions, however small, are unnecessary.
- Biomarkers of exposure assessed to date are consistent with significant reductions in harmful constituents and for a few biomarkers assessed in this chapter, similar levels to smokers abstaining from smoking or non-smokers were observed.
- To date, there have been no identified health risks of passive vaping to bystanders.
- Reporting of some academic studies has been misleading.
2019-01 Measurements of electronic cigarette-generated particles for the evaluation of lung cancer risk of active and passive users -
Metingen van elektronische sigaret-gegenereerde deeltjes voor de evaluatie van longkankerrisico's van actieve en passieve gebruikers
De overeenkomstige ELCR-waarde van de E-sigaret-aerosol is lager dan die van traditionele sigarettenrook, en ook lager dan de richtwaarden die zijn gedefinieerd door EPA en WHO.
Het teveel aan levensbedreigende kankerrisico van E-sigaret gebruik is meer dan 100 keer lager dan de EPA & FDA-richtlijnen die de absolute veiligheid afbakenen. Helemaal veilig word gedefinieerd als 1 uit 1 miljoen risico. Bij E-sigaretten is dat kleiner dan 1 : 100 miljoen De potentiële kankerverwekkende effecten als gevolg van het inhaleren van door de E-sigaretten gegenereerde aerosolen werden geëvalueerd met behulp van een Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk (ELCR) -model dat rekening houdt met inademen van zowel submicron als super-micron deeltjes, (verwijzend naar naar het deeltjesoppervlak). Er werd geëvalueerd alleen door de aerosol op 300 ° C te verwarmen. Door E-sigaretten gegenereerde deeltjes (zowel met als zonder nicotine) werden vergeleken met bekende gegevens over toxische verbindingen. Ook werd rekening gehouden met typerend rookgedrag van mannelijke en vrouwelijke Italiaanse e-sigaret gebruikers in overweging genomen.
2018-01 Electronic Cigarette Smoking Increases Arterial Stiffness and Oxidative Stress to a Lesser Extent Than a Single Conventional Cigarette -
“replacement of conventional cigarette by nicotine-containing e-cig resulted in reduced central and brachial SBP, arterial wave reflections, and oxidative stress within 1 month, likely because of the reduction of the smoked conventional cigarettes”
2017-11 Oral mucosal lesions in electronic cigarettes consumers versus former smokers. -
CONCLUSIONS: We found no statistically significant differences in terms of total prevalence of OMLs between former smokers and ECs consumers. An increased prevalence of three specific types of OMLs was detected among ECs consumers.
2017-08 Comparing the cancer potencies of emissions from vapourised nicotine products including e-cigarettes with those of tobacco smoke -
kankerrisico e-sigaret vrijwel vergelijkbaar met nicotine vervangende therapie. Kankerrisico e-sigaret minder dan 1% van risico tabak roken
2017-04 Schlechter Ruf der E-Zigarette „Skandal" -
Toxicoloog Bernard Michael Mayer , Karl-Franzens University in Oostenrijk : Slechte reputatie van de e-sigaret "schandaal"
E-sigaretten zijn weinig schadelijk voor de gezondheid, zegt de onderzoeker en Oostenrijkse toxikoloog Bernhard-Michael Mayer van de Karl-Franzens-Universität. Hij noemt dit een politiek gezondheidsschandaal. Lees meer in dit artikel
E-Zigaretten seien weniger gesundheitsschädlich, als ihnen nachgesagt wird, behauptet der Grazer Toxikologe Bernhard-Michael Mayer von der Karl-Franzens-Universität: Er ortet einen „gesundheitspolitischen Skandal“.
2016-12 Evidence for harm reduction in COPD smokers who switch to electronic cigarettes -
Conclusions: These findings suggest that ECs use may aid smokers with COPD reduce their cigarette consumption or remain abstinent, which results in marked improvements in annual exacerbation rate as well as subjective and objective COPD outcomes.
(exacerbatie = toename van symptomen bij patiënten met COPD)
2016-10 Exposure to e-cigarette vapour induces negligible or no oxidative damage to lung epithelial cells -
E-cigarette vapour is much less harmful to lung cells than cigarette smoke. Lab tests show that, unlike tobacco smoke, which causes oxidative stress and cell death, e-cigarette vapour does not. Oxidative stress and cell death are driving factors in the development of many smoking-related diseases such as COPD and lung cancer.
2016-08 Lung function and respiratory symptoms in a randomized smoking cessation trial of electronic cigarettes. -
Smokers invited to switch to electronic cigarettes who completely abstained from smoking showed steady progressive improvements in their FEF25-75% Normalization of peripheral airways function was associated with improvement in respiratory symptoms, adding to the notion that abstaining from smoking can reverse tobacco harm in the lung.
Conclusie: rokers die overstapten op elektrische sigaretten bij longmetingen. Ook kortademigheid en hoesten verdwenen of werd minder. Dit laatste was zelfs zo bij mensen die niet volledig maar gedeeltelijk hun sigaretgebruik omgezet hadden in e-sigaret gebruik.
2016-06 Exposure to Nicotine and Selected Toxicants in Cigarette Smokers Who Switched to Electronic Cigarettes: A Longitudinal Within-Subjects Observational Study -
Those who switch completely to e-cigarettes may reduce their cancer risk, says Roswell Park/UCSF research team. A study led by researchers at Roswell Park Cancer Institute (RPCI) reports that nicotine exposure remains the same, while exposure to specific carcinogens and toxicants is reduced, among smokers who switch from tobacco cigarettes to electronic cigarettes.
Rokers die overschakelen op e-sigaretten, en blootgesteld worden aan hetzelfde nicotine niveau, hebben lagere niveaus kankerverwekkende stoffen en lager niveaus van andere ziekmakende stoffen in hun lichaam. Vergelijkbaar met rokers die gestopt zijn met roken Rokers die volledig overschakelen op e-sigaretten kunnen hun risico op kanker te verminderen, zegt het Roswell Park/UCSF onderzoeksteam.
2016-06 Changes in breathomics from a 1-year randomized smoking cessation trial of electronic cigarettes. -
CONCLUSIONS: Smokers invited to switch to electronic cigarettes who completely abstained from smoking showed steady progressive improvements in their exhaled breath measurements and symptoms scores. FeNo and eCO normalization is highly supportive of improved respiratory health outcomes and add to the notion that quitting from tobacco smoking can reverse harm in the lung.
CONCLUSIES: Rokers die over schakelden naar elektronische sigaretten en totaal niet meer tabak rookten vertoonden snel toenemende verbeteringen bij hun uitgeademde lucht metingen en symptomen scores. De metingen ondersteunen dat de overstappers een betere respiratoire gezondheidsresultaten hebben en geven de indruk dat stoppen van tabak roken de schade in de longen kan verminderen.
2016-04 Cigarette smoke but not electronic cigarette aerosol activates a stress response in human coronary artery endothelial cells in culture -
The use of e-cigarettes as a substitute for conventional cigarettes is likely to reduce immediate tobacco-related harm, at least with respect to cardiovascular harms.
Het gebruik van e-sigaretten als vervaning voor conventionele sigaretten zal onmiddellijke tabak-gerelateerde schade beperken, althans met betrekking tot schade aan hart- en bloedvaten.
2016-01 Effect of continuous smoking reduction and abstinence on blood pressure and heart rate in smokers switching to electronic cigarettes. -
When we assessed those with high blood pressure at baseline (high-normal or higher, as defined by the European Society of Cardiology), we observed a statistically significant reduction in systolic blood pressure in those with continuous reduction in smoking consumption (>50% reduction) and in those who had quit smoking with the use of e-cigarettes. Of note, the reduction in blood pressure was evident even after adjusting for confounders such as age, gender and weight gain. Both smoking reduction and abstinence were associated with blood pressure reductions, with stronger association observed in those with smoking abstinence. Download full text study
2015-12 Patients with lung cancer: Are electronic cigarettes harmful, useful? - Lungcancer journal -
- The e-cigarette will never be totally safe: it is not a product for non-smoker.
- The emissions of e-cigarette contain no tar and <1% nitrosamines of tobacco smoke.
- Aldehydes in emission are <10% tobacco smoke, but may increase in case of misuse.
- A total replacement of tobacco by e-cigarette offers a dramatic decrease of risk.
- e-cigarette has to be considered by practitioner in patients with cancer who continue to smoke.
The emission of e-cigarette does not content solids particles, carbon monoxide. Nitrosamine content is hundred times lower than in tobacco smoke. e-cigarette emission in normal use do not content any harmful product at significant level except nicotine.
If e-cigarette will never be a safe product and will never be a product for non-smoker, for smoker e-cigarette is more than 20 times less dangerous than cigarette and most of tobacco cessation specialists in countries were nicotine containing e-cigarettes are available provide counselling for e-cigarette use to stop to smoke or to reduce smoking at the request of patients.
Bertrand Dautzenberg, Daniel Garelik
2015-11 Ecigs Health Effects - R Cranfield -
Health Effects and Demographics of Electronic Cigarette Users. A Comparison of Health Events in Previous Smokers With Three or more years of Electronic Cigarette Experience
Conclusion: Electronic cigarettes have a dramatic and positive effect on the health of those who are able to switch from cigarettes. This can have a tremendous social and economic impact if their use becomes wide spread as a substitute for cigarettes. There does not appear to be a significant health impact to never smokers who initiate use, although data is limited in this survey.
2015-09 What to Advise to Respiratory Patients Intending to Use Electronic Cigarettes -
Under normal vaping conditions, EC toxicology is by far less problematic than tobacco cigarette toxicology and there are beneficial effects associated with regular EC use, particularly in respiratory patients, will improve information exchange between physicians and their respiratory patients using or intending to use ECs.
Unfortunately, the public's view of ECs is far from being clear with a great deal of ambiguity around the product and its intended use. Moreover, health-care professionals themselves do not seem to use an evidence-based approach when it comes to informing respiratory patients about ECs and many advise against their use. Evidence-based advice about ECs is provided here with the goal of improving counseling between physicians and their respiratory patients using or intending to use ECs. Regular EC use is unlikely to raise significant health concerns and can lead to health improvement in the respiratory patient who makes the switch from tobacco smoking. - Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale, Università di Catania
2015-07 Human respiratory tissue test reveals e-cigarette vapour produces similar result as air -
Six hours of exposure to tobacco cigarette smoke resulted in near-complete cell death. But the same exposure to e-cigarette vapour did not affect the tissue viability.
2014-11 Electronic cigarettes: review of use, content, safety, effects on smokers and potential for harm and benefit. -
This review begins to tell us, mostly from observational and survey data, that EC’s are less likely to induce nicotine dependence, less likely to be carcinogenic, and may help those who are trying to quit traditional cigarettes.
2014-10 Damp en rook van e-sigaret en normale sigaret vergeleken -
Comparison of select analytes in aerosol from e-cigarettes with smoke from conventional cigarettes and with ambient air. Analysis of the smoke from conventional cigarettes showed that the mainstream cigarette smoke delivered approximately 1500 times more harmful and potentially harmful constituents (HPHCs) tested when compared to e-cigarette aerosol or to puffing room air.
2014-01 Peering through the mist - BMC Public Health -
systematic review of what the chemistry of contaminants in electronic cigarettes tells us about health risks. There was no evidence of potential for exposures of e-cigarette users to contaminants that are associated with risk to health at a level that would warrant attention if it were an involuntary workplace exposures.
2006 E-cigarettes: harmless inhaled or exhaled, No second hand smoke - Health New Zealand -
The e-cigarette does not create side-stream smoke. Exhaled breath after e-smoking contains even less nicotine per puff, as much of the nicotine inhaled is absorbed. Similarly, propylene glycol is largely absorbed and little is exhaled. Propylene glycol is harmless. No increase in CO was found. No harm found in e-cigarette mist. Nicotine is not harmful in the quantities mentioned.