Science Lesson: How Vaping Leads To Smoking Cessation -
Evaluatie van bepaald soort fouten die gemaakt worden bij Wetenschappelijk onderzoek stoppen met roken met E-sigaret .
How vaping helps even hardened smokers quit / Dampen helpt rokers stoppen, zelfs als ze dat niet willen -
Vaping helps people stop smoking - even when they don’t want to, according to new research from the University of East Anglia.
Cancer Research UK, financierde dit onderzoek. Conclusie :
Dampen (e-sigaret) helpt rokers stoppen, zelfs als ze dat niet willen. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van de Universiteit van East Anglia. Volgens onderzoeker dr. Caitlin Notley geven rokers aan dat als zij overstappen op e-sigaretten zij zich beter voelen. Meer smaak hebben en minder ademhalingsproblemen. Dat leidt er uiteindelijk toe dat veel overgestapte rokers de sigaretten uiteindelijk helemaal laten staan.
Het onderzoek is gepubliceerd in het : Harm Reduction Journal : The unique contribution of e-cigarettes for tobacco harm reduction in supporting smoking relapse prevention
E-cigarette Usage Is Associated With Increased Past-12-Month Quit Attempts and Successful Smoking Cessation in Two US Population–Based Surveys -
Gebruik van e-sigaretten gaat gepaard met toegenomen pogingen tot stoppen met afgelopen 12 maanden en succesvol stoppen met roken in twee US Population-Based Surveys. Lees ook :
Gebruik e-sigaretten geeft meer pogingen en succesvol stoppen met roken
Compared with 2006, past-12-month quit attempts and smoking cessation increased among adults aged 25–44 in recent years. Current e-cigarette use was associated with increased past-12-month quit attempts and successful smoking cessation among established smokers. E-cigarettes were introduced into the US market over the past decade. During this period, past-12-month quit attempts and smoking cessation have increased among US adults aged 25–44. These trends are inconsistent with the hypothesis that e-cigarette use is delaying quit attempts and leading to decreased smoking cessation. In contrast, current e-cigarette use was associated with significantly higher past-12-month quit attempts and past-12-month cessation. These findings suggest that e-cigarette use contributes to a reduction in combustible cigarette use among established smokers.
Does e-cigarette advertising encourage adult smokers to quit? -
We predict that a ban on TV advertising (of e-cigs) would lower the quit rate by around 3%, while a policy that would not discourage it would raise the quit rate by slightly more than 10%. We find no effects of exposure to magazine ads on quit behavior.
CDC : NCHS Data Brief ■ No. 365 ■ April 2020 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics Electronic Cigarette Use Among U.S. Adults, 2018 -
New CDC study says 57% who recently quit smoking had used e-cigs. Less than half of them were still vaping a year later. And only 1.1% of vapers are never-smokers. Those facts defeat all the arguments against E-cigs. Vaping is an off-ramp, not a gateway.
2020-03 E-Cigarettes More Effective Than Counseling for Smoking Cessation -
Vaping significantly improved smoking quit rate and reduced number of daily cigarettes at 12 weeks. Smokers who received smoking cessation counseling and used electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) containing nicotine were more than twice as likely to successfully quit smoking compared to those who received counseling but did not use e-cigarettes, in a clinical trial presented at the American College of Cardiology (ACC) 2020 Scientific Session.
2019-08 Electronic Cigarette Use and Cigarette Abstinence Over 2 Years Among U.S. Smokers in the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study -
Dagelijks gebruik van e-sigaretten kan rokers helpen om te stoppen met roken.
Deze tweejaarlijkse studie van het tabaksonderzoeks- en behandelingscentrum van het Massachusetts General toont aan dat dagelijks gebruik van e-sigaretten, vergeleken met geen gebruik van e-sigaretten, wordt geassocieerd met een toename van 77% van de kans op langdurige stoppen met roken. Gegevens van meer dan 8.000 volwassen rokers werden gebruikt. Deze studie toont aan dat e-sigaretten nuttig kunnen zijn voor sommige rokers die niet kunnen stoppen met bestaande behandelingen. Rokers die e-sigaretten gebruikten, maar niet dagelijks, waren niet kansrijker dan niet-gebruikers om langdurig stoppen van brandbare sigaretten aan te tonen.
Daily e-cigarette use may help smokers quit regular cigarettes.
A new study from the Massachusetts General Hospital’s (MGH) Tobacco Research and Treatment Center provides critical population-level evidence demonstrating that using e-cigarettes daily helps U.S. smokers quit smoking combustible (i.e. regular) cigarettes. Using data from more than 8,000 adult smokers. This study suggests e-cigarettes may be helpful for some smokers who are not able to quit with existing treatments. Smokers who used e-cigarettes, but not daily, were not more likely than nonusers to demonstrate prolonged abstinence from combustible cigarettes.
2019-05 expert reaction to study of smoking cessation aids -
Research published in Addiction demonstrates that people attempting to quit with the help of e-cigarettes are about 95% more likely to report succeeding than those trying without.
Dr Leonie Brose, Senior Lecturer at the National Addiction Centre, King’s College London, said:
“This very robust study surveyed almost 19,000 individuals in England who had tried to quit smoking and showed that those who used varenicline or e-cigarettes were most likely to have been successful.
This is in line with what has already been found in randomised controlled trials and extends these findings to adult smokers in the real world. While success rates were similar for varenicline and vaping, vaping is much more popular among smokers trying to quit smoking and thus helped more smokers quit.”
2019-01 Studie: E-sigaretten 2x effectiever dan nicotinepleisters/nicotine kauwgum om rokers te helpen stoppen -
In dit onderzoek kregen de e-sigaret deelnemers, een standaard e-sigaret van het onderzoeksteam. De (positieve) resultaten zijn in dit geval gebaseerd op een standaard e-sigaret. Maar uit de praktijk blijkt dat het succes van de E-sigaret voor een groot deel afhangt van het feit dat gebruikers er een hebben die bij de persoon past. Er is bijna niets persoonlijker als een e-sigaret, de gebruikers hebben zeer verschillende soorten. Wanneer de e-sigaret niet past bij de gebruiker zal deze sneller er mee stoppen. Wel mochten de deelnemers naast de uit het onderzoek verschafte dampvloeistof, in de winkel smaakjes kopen die hen beter bevalt. Stoprokenvandaag is daarom ook erg nieuwsgierig wat het resultaat zou zijn wanneer de deelnemers aan een onderzoek helemaal zelf hun apparatuur mogen bepalen. Vermoedelijk zou het aantal blijvend gestopte rokers dan nog hoger zijn.
Het onderzoek :
A Randomized Trial of E-Cigarettes versus Nicotine-Replacement Therapy
Deze studie werd gefinancierd door het National Institute for Health Research en Cancer Research UK.
E-cigarettes helped more smokers quit than nicotine replacement therapy.
Het AD:
BN DeSTem:
De Geldelander :
2018-12 Quitting activity and use of cessation assistance reported by smokers in eight European countries: Findings from the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys -
43.8% van de Nederlandse rokers gebruikt een e-sigaret om te stoppen met roken, vs 7.5% die medicatie gebruikt.
2018-09 37 percent of smokers fully switch to vaping blu after 90 days -- real-world study -
Na 90 dagen vonden de onderzoekers:
- 36,5% van de rokers is volledig overgestapt op e-sigaret gebruik
- Vermindering van dagelijks roken van 88,7% van de deelnemers bij aanvang tot 17,5%
- Vermindering van sigaretten per dag van gemiddeld 14,38 naar gemiddeld 3,19 per dag
- 92,1% geloofde dat de e-sigaret had geholpen om het roken volledig te verminderen of te vervangen na 90 dagen
- Alle deelnemers vonden de gebruikte smaken belangrijk om hen te helpen om te schakelen of om te minderen
- Niet-tabakssmaken dampvloeistoffen hadden de voorkeur bij de meerderheid van de deelnemers
2018-03 E-cigarette initiation and associated changes in smoking cessation and reduction: the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study, 2013–2015 -
Main findings
- Daily ecigs users 8x more likely to quit 1 year later than non-users or infrequent users
- Tanks more effective than cigalikes
- Substantial smoging reduction in dual users
Conclusion : We found daily e-cigarette initiators were more likely to have quit smoking cigarettes or reduced use compared with non-users. However,less frequent e-cigarette use was not associ-ated with cigarette cessation/reduction. Our findings add to the growing evidence suggesting adult smokers in the USA are using e-cigarettes to help themselves quit smoking cigarettes or reduce their cigarette use. Understanding the implications of e-cigarette use for product transitions away from tobacco use may help inform the Federal Drug Administration Center for Tobacco Productson the expected contribution of e-cigarettes to future trends in tobacco cigarette use and the burden of tobacco-related disease. Additionally, findings from this study can inform future health education and communication efforts around cigarette smoking cessation and harm reduction strategies.
2017-12 Can e-cigarettes help smokers quit? - Medical University of South Carolina -
Study finds smokers who are willing to use e-cigarettes tend to smoke less and increase their quit attempts.
Results showed that when smokers were given e-cigarettes without any accompanying instructions or requirements for use, uptake was strong, and many participants went on to purchase their own e-cigarettes. This suggests that e-cigarettes might give smokers a suitable alternative to combustible cigarettes. Those who used e-cigarettes smoked less and were more likely to quit smoking, as compared to those in the control group.
2017-09 Use of smoking cessation products: A survey of patients in community pharmacies. -
Canadees onderzoek over het gebruik van rokenstopproducten, gedaan bij patiënten in gemeentelijke apotheken. Conclusie: E-sigaretten waren het meest effectieve rookstopmiddel. Gemeten effectiviteit:
- Elektronische sigaret - 97,9%
- Varenicline - 70,6%
- Nicotine kauwgum 33,3%
- Nicotine pleisters - 24,4%
E-cigarettes were considered the most effective smoking cessation product (by patients in community pharmacies)
Lees hier meer over dit onderzoek:
2017-08 Study from Spain confirms effectivity of e-cigarettes -
Data obtained from a Spanish study indicates that e-cigarettes are excellent harm reduction tools for smoking cessation.
2017-07 E-cigarette use and associated changes in population smoking cessation: evidence from US current population surveys -
Department of Family Medicine and Public Health, University of California, San Diego
Conclusion The substantial increase in e-cigarette use among US adult smokers was associated with a statistically significant increase in the smoking cessation rate at the population level.
2017-02 Daily users compared to less frequent users find vape as or more satisfying and less dangerous than cigarettes, and are likelier to use non-cig-alike vaping products -
Conclusion: This study found that frequency of use of e-cigarettes (vape) was directly associated with perceived satisfaction and indirectly associated with perceived danger, both measured in comparison to cigarettes. In addition, non-Cig-alike vaping products were more likely to be used by more frequent users. The majority of Daily users of e-cigarettes found them to be “much more satisfying” than cigarettes and less dangerous than cigarettes. Future studies need to employ measures of satisfaction and perceived harmfulness, and type of product used in order to assess the use of vaping.
2017-01 Victoria Universiteit - Canadees onderzoek elektrische sigaret -
- Conclusies onderzoek:
- Er is positief bewijs dat E-sigaretten minstens zo effectief als andere nicotinevervangers als hulpmiddel zijn, om te helpen met stoppen met roken van tabak.
- Er is GEEN bewijs gevonden van een gateway effect waarbij jongeren die experimenteren met e-sigaretten, als gevolg daarvan, meer kans zouden hebben tot tabak gebruik. Het beschikbare bewijs is dat het gebruik van tabak door jongeren is gedaald, terwijl het gebruik van e-sigaretten is toegenomen.
- Second hand blootstelling aan damp is van voorbijgaande aard vergeleken met blootstelling aan tabaksrook. Er is aangetoond dat er een minimale blootstelling aan nicotine zou kunnen plaatsvinden en er vindt geen significante blootstelling aan carcinogenen zoals die in tabaksrook zitten.
- Damp van e-sigaretten bevat aanzienlijk minder giftige stoffen dan rook van gewone tabak sigaretten. Over eventuele aanwezigheid van een aantal kankerverwekkende stoffen is te weinig onderzoek geweest. Hierover kan men dus geen uitspraken doen of deze wel of niet aanwezig kunnen zijn.
Plaatje Victoria Universiteit Canada - toelichting onderzoek: e-sigaret is effectief rookstopmiddel.
2017-01 Prevalence of population smoking cessation by electronic cigarette use status in a national sample of recent smokers -
• Meer dan de helft van de dagelijkse e-sigaret gebruikers zijn gestopt met roken in de afgelopen 5 jaar.
• Dagelijkse e-sigaret gebruikers zijn 3 keer kansrijker om te stoppen met roken dan gebruikers die nooit e-sigaretten gebruikt hebben.
• Gebruikers die zo nu en dan e-sigaretten gebruikten zijn het minst kansrijk om te stoppen met roken.
• Sommige rokers kunnen stoppen roken of voorkomen dat ze terugvallen naar roken met frequent e-sigaret gebruik
2017-01 Increased use of e-cigarettes would assist smokers to quit, study finds -
De Health Information and Quality Authority in Ierland heeft gezegd dat een toenemend gebruik van e-sigaretten door rokers die proberen te stoppen met roken "het aantal mensen die met succes stoppen ten opzichte van de bestaande situatie in Ierland zou verhogen". Dit is voor de eerste keer in Ierland dat e-sigaretten zijn opgenomen in een studie naar de kosteneffectiviteit van hulpmiddelen voor stoppen met roken. 29% van de rokers gebruikt e-sigaret om te stoppen met roken.
The Health Information and Quality Authority has said that an increased use of e-cigarettes by smokers trying to quit "would increase the number of people who successfully quit compared with the existing situation in Ireland". For the first time e-cigarettes are included in a study on the cost effectiveness of aids for quitting smoking in Ireland. Data from Healthy Ireland reveals that 29% of smokers currently use e-cigarettes as an aid to quitting smoking.
2016-9 Association between electronic cigarette use and changes in quit attempts, success of quit attempts, use of smoking cessation pharmacotherapy, and use of stop smoking services in England: time series analysis of population trends -
De snelle toename van de populariteit van elektronische sigaretten ('e-sigaretten') in Groot-Brittannië heeft bijgedragen aan de algehele daling van de tabak sigaretten consumptie sinds 2008. De resultaten toonden aan dat het gebruik van e-sigaretten door rokers in Engeland steeg van 2% in 2011 tot 21% medio 2013 met een stabiele trend daarna.
2016-06 Long-term e-cigarette use and smoking cessation: a longitudinal study with US population -
==>Department of Family Medicine and Public Health, University of California. This study examined the relationship between long-term use of e-cigarettes and smoking cessation in a 2-year period. A nationally representative sample of 2028 US smokers were surveyed in 2012 and 2014. At 2-year follow-up, 43.7% of baseline dual users were still using e-cigarettes. Long-term e-cigarette users had a higher quit attempt rate than short-term or non-users. Short-term e-cigarette use was not associated with a lower rate of smoking cessation. Long-term use of e-cigarettes was associated with a higher rate of quitting smoking. 42.4% smoking cessation rate in Long-term e-cigarette users.
==> No cessation aid introduced in the last decade has resulted in such a large increase in overall use of cessation aids. Even with the introduction of varenicline, a highly effective pharmacotherapy, the rate of using FDA-approved pharmacotherapies has hovered around 30% (similar to the 28% found in this study). The introduction of varenicline mainly displaced other therapies. In contrast, e-cigarettes do not appear to have simply displaced other therapies. Instead, they have contributed to a 50% increase in the rate of smokers using cessation aids (provided one classifies e-cigarettes as a cessation aid). This suggests that many smokers who would not otherwise use pharmacotherapies are using e-cigarettes to help themselves quit.
==>Best advice to smokers: vape hard, often and long. Keep vaping even if you keep smoking.
2016-05 Frankrijk: Studie met 200,000 deelnemers ontkracht overstap van e-sigaret naar roken hypothesis -
Onderzoek gepubliceerd in het Bulletin épidémiologique hebdomadaire, uitgegeven door het agentschap Volksgezondheid Frankrijk. De conclusie is dat e-sigaretten geen opstap naar tabak roken zijn, maar daarentegen als middel voor het stoppen met roken worden gebruikt.
France: A 200,000-participant survey to blow away the gateway to smoking hypothesis?
- Vaporizer use is very rare among non-smokers;
- Vaporizer use is slightly more frequent among ex-smokers;
- Dual use is twice as frequent as vaping;
- Vaping prevalence is similar for men and women and decreases with age;
- Dual users report the lowest prevalence of Very good-Good self-rated health and the highest depressiveness prevalence
- There is a clear gradient in e-cigarette use according to the number of pack-years of tobacco smoking,
- Trends over one year show that no e-cigarette exclusive user had become a smoker one year later.
“These preliminary results on e-cigarette do not suggest gateway effect to tobacco smoking“, write the authors and they add that the results “rather suggest that it is used for smoking cessation“
2016-04 E-Cigs Cut Tobacco Use in Patients With Serious Mental Illness -
Researchers from King's College London and the London South Bank University, United Kingdom, found that the use of e-cigarettes for 6 weeks led to significant reductions in tobacco use and in expired carbon monoxide levels. The researchers concluded that e-cigarettes may be "useful in supporting smoking reduction/cessation in patients with serious mental illness" without exacerbating their psychopathologic symptoms.
2016-02 E-cigarettes are estimated to have helped 16000-22000 smokers in England to quit in 2014 -
Researchers from University College London estimate that use of e-cigarettes produced 16K-22K additional long-term quitters in England in 2014.1 A long-term quitter is someone who has not smoked for at least one year. Previous research has found that when used in this way, e-cigarettes increase the chances of success by around 50% compared with using no support or one of the traditional nicotine products such as gum or skin patch bought from a shop. This raises the long-term success rates from around 5% to around 7½%.
(see "Electronic cigarettes in England - latest trends" (ref STS140122) at
2016-01 E-Cigarettes for Immediate Smoking Substitution in Women Diagnosed with Cervical Dysplasia and Associated Disorders -
After initiating E-Cigarette use, women at risk for cervical cancer were able to either quit smoking or reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day. Although a controlled trial with a larger sample size is needed to confirm these initial results, this study suggests that using ECs during quit attempts may reduce cigarette consumption.
2016-01 E-cigarettes deliver sufficient nicotine to suppress smoking desire and reduce tobacco withdrawal symptoms in smokers, comparable to Nicorette -
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 5 January 2016 - A new study, published in the Journal of Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, found that e-cigarettes share a similar short-term safety profile as Nicorette® products and are comparable in reducing tobacco withdrawal symptoms.
Amsterdam, Nederland, 5 januari 2016 - Een nieuwe studie, gepubliceerd in het Journal of Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, concludeert dat e-sigaretten een vergelijkbaar veiligheidsprofiel voor de korte termijn hebben als Nicorette® producten en dat het effect vergelijkbaar is voor het reduceren van tabaksgerelateerde ontwenningsverschijnselen.
'In tegenstelling tot andere nicotinevervangende therapieën, zou het vape product dat we voor de studie gebruikten een effectief alternatief kunnen zijn voor sigaretten, voor hen die moeite ervaren om te stoppen met roken, als gevolg van het gemis van de gewoonte en zintuiglijke aspecten van het roken.', aldus Tanvir Walele, senior wetenschapper. Het onderzoek:
2016 -01 Feasibility of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems in Surgical Patients. -
The Mayo Clinic has released of an observational study where patients facing elective surgery were given Electronic Nicotine Delivery Devices (ENDS) before and two weeks after elective surgery. The goal to reduce the risk of possible complications during the healing process after surgery is important. Smoking cigarettes can bring post-operative complications to patients, and they are always encouraged to stop smoking before surgery. The purpose of the study was to see if patients would "cut down" or eliminate cigarette consumption before and after surgery using these products. Long term abstinence was not considered as part of the study. Daily use and behavior was recorded during the study and findings with a 30 day follow-up with patients showed 17% were abstinent from smoking, 51% planned continued use, and "average cigarette consumption decreased from 15.6 per person to 7.6 over the study period". The study stated "use is feasible and well-accepted in surgical patients."
De Mayo Kliniek heeft een onderzoek gepubliceerd waarbij patiënten die geplande chirurgische ingreep moesten ondergaan, een Elektrische sigaret kregen vooraf en twee weken na de chirurgische ingreep. Het doel was om de kans op complicaties tijdens het genezingsproces te verminderen na de operatie. Het roken van sigaretten kan postoperatieve complicaties veroorzaken. En patiënten worden altijd aangemoedigd om te stoppen met roken voor de operatie. Het doel van de studie was om te zien of patiënten met roken gestopt zijn met roken of sigarettengebruik hadden verminderd door het gebruik van deze producten; zowel voor als na de operatie. Dagelijks gebruik en gedrag werd geregistreerd tijdens het onderzoek. De bevindingen met een 30 dagen follow-up vertoonden bij de patiënten dat 17% gestopt waren met roken, 51% wilde het gebruik van elektrische sigaretten voortzetten, en het "gemiddeld verbruik van sigaretten daalde van 15,6 per persoon tot 7,6 gedurende de onderzoeksperiode ". Conclusie "gebruik van elektrische sigaretten is haalbaar en wordt goed geaccepteerd bij chirurgische patiënten."
2015-11 Study on patterns of electronic cigarette use among adults in the US - Oxford University Press USA -
Analysis of national survey of adult tobacco use points to use of e-cigarettes as a quitting aid.
- The highest prevalence of daily e-cigarette use we observed was among current smokers and former smokers who quit within the past year. The recent quitters are four times more likely to be daily users of e-cigarettes than current cigarette smokers (13 percent vs. 3.5 percent).
- E-cigarettes do not appear to attract young adults, non-smokers or promote relapse among longer-term former smokers.
- The researchers found that while any e-cigarette use was higher among young adults, daily e-cigarette use was more common among adults over age 25 than among young adults aged 18-24. The finding that daily e-cigarette use is less common among 18-24 year olds and never smokers is good news," according to David Abrams, executive director of the Schroeder Institute. "It suggests that e-cigarettes could be used to displace use of much more deadly cigarettes among smokers and could generate an impressive public health benefit in terms of lives saved.
2015-11 Cohort study of electronic cigarette use: effectiveness and safety at 24 months -
University of Chieti, Italy - Smokers who successfully quit using e-cigarettes are far less likely to relapse and pick up tobacco. The study examined vapers– smokers and those who do both for a period of two years and wanted to see how effective e-cigarettes were in keeping people off cigarettes.
2015-10 Patterns of Electronic Cigarette Use Among Adults in the United States - Rutgers School of Public Health, New Brunswick USA -
Center for Tobacco Studies, Rutgers School of Public Health, New Brunswick USA.
Current e-cigarette use is extremely low among never cigarette smokers (0.4%) and former smokers who quit cigarettes 4 or more years ago (0.8%). Although e-cigarette experimentation is most common among current cigarette smokers and young adults, daily use is highest among former smokers who quit in the past year (13.0%) and older adults. Compared to daily cigarette smokers, recently quit smokers were more than four times as likely to be daily users of e-cigarettes.
Er wordt uitgebreider ingegaan op de data in artikel new-population-based-study
2015-10 Are electronic nicotine delivery systems an effective smoking cessation tool? - University of Manitoba, Winnipeg -
Department of Respiratory Therapy, College of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg:
=> Recent studies have estimated that 21% of all deaths over the past decade are due to smoking, making it the leading cause of premature death in Canada. To date, many steps have been taken to eradicate the global epidemic of tobacco smoking. Most recently, electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) have become a popular smoking cessation tool. ENDS do not burn or use tobacco leaves, but instead vapourize a solution the user then inhales. The main constituents of the solution, in addition to nicotine when nicotine is present, are propylene glycol, with or without glycerol and flavouring agents.
=> After conducting the primary and secondary search, 109 publications were identified. After applying all inclusion and exclusion criteria through abstract and full-text review, four publications were included in the present literature review. A low risk of bias was established for each included study using the Cochrane Collaboration risk of bias evaluation framework.
2015-09 Vapers Helping Smokers: An Online Survey of 7,326 Vapers. -
we surveyed 7,326 current regular vapers, of whom, 5,000 (75%) were smoking regularly at the point of their first vape. Of these individuals, 4,235 (85.9%) had quit smoking completely since they started vaping regularly, and of the 754 respondents who were still smoking, 56% had reduced their daily smoking by at least 50% since they started vaping regularly.
2015-09 Online Survey of 7,326 Vapers -Dr Christopher Russell -
Quick overview, we surveyed 7,326 current regular vapers, of whom, 5,000 (75%) were smoking regularly at the point of their first vape. Of these individuals, 4,235 (85.9%) had quit smoking completely since they started vaping regularly, and of the 754 respondents who were still smoking, 56% had reduced their daily smoking by at least 50% since they started vaping regularly.
Lees ook :
2015-09 New Study Documents that Dual Use is Not a Negative Consequence of E-Cigarette Use, But a Positive One -
The most important study findings were as follows:
- Of the dual users, 64% reported having reduced their cigarette consumption;
- Of the dual users, 56% had cut their cigarette consumption by 50% or more;
- Of the dual users, 81% reported having quit smoking for a period of at least one week;
- Of the dual users, 70% reported the intention to quit smoking within six months;
- Of the dual users, 88% reported that they planned to cut their cigarette consumption by at least half in the next six months;
- Of the dual users, 63% predicted that they would quit smoking completely within six months, and another 27% predicted that they would cut their cigarette consumption within six months.
2015-04 Biochemically verified smoking cessation and vaping beliefs among vape store customers - Department of Psychology, Oklahoma State University -
Among vapor store customers in the United States who use electronic nicotine delivery devices to stop smoking, vaping longer, using newer-generation devices and using non-tobacco and non-menthol flavored e-liquid appear to be associated with higher rates of smoking cessation.
Most customers reported starting ENDS as a means of smoking cessation (86%),
using newer-generation devices (89%),
vaping non-tobacco/non-menthol flavors (72%)
and using e-liquid with nicotine strengths of ≤20 mg/ml (72%).
There was a high rate of switching (91.4%) to newer-generation ENDS among those who started with a first-generation product.
==>Exhaled CO readings confirmed that 66% of the tested sample had quit smoking.
2015-03 Quit and Smoking Reduction Rates in Vape Shop Consumers: A Prospective 12-Month Survey -
Study that was aimed at surveying changes in daily cigarette consumption in smokers making their first purchase at vape shops. Modifications in products purchase were also noted.
Participants: 71 adult smokers making their first purchase at local participating vape shops were asked by professional retail staff to complete a form. Measurements: Their cigarette consumption was followed-up prospectively at 6 and 12 months. Details of products purchase (i.e., e-cigs hardware, e-liquid nicotine strengths and flavours) were also noted. Findings: Retention rate was elevated, with 69% of participants attending their final follow-up visit. At 12 month, 40.8% subjects could be classified as quitters, 25.4% as reducers and 33.8% as failures. Switching from standard refillables (initial choice) to more advanced devices (MODs) was observed in this study (from 8.5% at baseline to 18.4% at 12 month) as well as a trend in decreasing thee-liquid nicotine strength, with more participants adopting low nicotine strength (from 49.3% at baseline to 57.1% at 12 month). Conclusions: We have found that smokers purchasing e-cigarettes from vape shops with professional advice and support can achieve high success rates.
2015-03 E-cigarettes versus NRT for smoking reduction or cessation in people with mental illness: secondary analysis of data from the ASCEND trial -
National Institute for Health Innovation, School of Population Health, Universiteit van Auckland, New Zealand “The use of e-cigarettes for quitting appears to be equally effective, safe, and acceptable for people with and without mental illness. For people with mental illness, e-cigarettes may be as effective and safe as patches, yet more acceptable, and associated with greater smoking reduction.“
2015-03 E-Cigarettes and Smoking Cessation -
E-Cigarettes and Smoking Cessation: Evidence from a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis; Conclusions : This systematic review and meta-analyses assessed the findings of six studies which reported smoking cessation after using e-cigarettes. We found an association between nicotine-enriched e-cigarette use and smoking cessation, suggesting that the devices may be an effective alternative smoking cessation method. We also found that use of e-cigarettes was also associated with a reduction in the number of cigarettes used, suggesting they may also have a role in tobacco harm reduction programs. To our knowledge, this is the most comprehensive evidence to date on this issue, and while there are a number of important implications for further research, these findings provide timely information to inform regulatory strategies.
2015-02 A longitudinal study of electronic cigarette use among a population-based sample of adult smokers: association with smoking cessation and motivation to quit -
Dagelijks gebruik van elektronische sigaretten gedurende tenminste 1 maand is sterk geassocieerd met stoppen met roken.
University of Massachusetts, Boston.
Conclusions: Daily use of electronic cigarettes for at least 1 month is strongly associated with quitting smoking at follow up.
2015-01 The “Vaping Truth Survey” Final Analysis. -
The “Vaping Truth Survey”. OVER 7,000 WORLDWIDE participants! Seventy Two Countries. This survey ran from Wednesday, December 17th of 2014 until Saturday, January 24th, 2015.
Question Five: How long did you try vaping before you stopped smoking?
Noted is the 2% saying it did not work, powerful evidence from vapers themselves show that ONE DAY is all it took at 42%. This is a very important figure to note. In total, 75% said vaping stopped them from smoking within a MONTH. Trial and error is probably the main reason with this 1 day figure not being higher. This can help a reader conclude that nicotine strength, taste & backups are the key to success with vaping. On question 10, we’ll show what doesn’t work: The struggle to stop smoking has been around since the adverse effects have been felt. Overwhelmingly, cold turkey was number one in the total answers, but Nicotine Reduction Therapy like the “patch” & gum were included in this survey and were the highest chosen. The most advertised forms of ways to stop smoking with other products INCLUDING prescription drugs are overwhelmingly ineffective and NOT helping smokers quit like vaping does according to participants.
2014-12 Cochrane Summaries ; Can electronic cigarettes help people stop smoking or reduce the amount they smoke (2014) -
“This study showed that people who used Electronic cigarettes (EC) were more likely to cut down the amount they smoked by at least half than people using a patch. The other studies were of lower quality, but they supported these findings. There was no evidence that using electronic cigarettes at the same time as using regular cigarettes made people less likely to quit smoking. […] None of the RCTs or cohort studies reported any serious adverse events (SAEs) that were considered to be plausibly related to electronic cigarette use. […] No evidence emerged that short-term electronic cigarette use is associated with health risk.”
2014-11 Are E-Cigarettes a Good Thing? -
Electronic cigarettes (EC): review of use, content, safety, effects on smokers and potential for harm and benefit.
From internet based surveys, outcomes found the most popular e-liquids had a nicotine content of 18 mg/ml. The most popular flavors were tobacco, mint and fruit. These users reported that e-cigarettes consistently helped them quit conventional cigarettes (rates ranged from 42–99%) or to reduce their use (60–86%). Users felt e-cigarettes were less addictive than cigarettes, and time from waking to nicotine use was longer for those users than for cigarette smokers. Cravings were also reduced according to the studies as only 18% reported that they craved the electronic version as much as tobacco.
2014-10 Real-world effectiveness of e-cigarettes when used to aid smoking cessation: a cross-sectional population study -
E-sigaret gebruikers hebben meer kans om blijvend te stoppen dan degenen die gebruikt maken van NRT´s (nicotine vervangende middelen als nicotine pleister) die vrij gekocht kunnen worden.
2014-10 Effectiveness of the Electronic Cigarette- An Eight-Week Flemish Study with Six-Month Follow-up on Smoking Reduction, Craving and Experienced Benefits and Complaints -
In between and until six months after the lab sessions—resulted in remarkable reductions in or (biologically confirmed) complete abstinence from tobacco smoking in almost half of the participants who had no intention to quit smoking
In een onderzoek met vond men dat 2e generatie elektrische sigaretten direct en zeer effectief waren in het terugbrengen van het hunkeren naar een sigaret en het terugdringen van afkickverschijnselen.
De KU Leuven verdeelde voor een onderzoek rokers die niet van plan waren te stoppen, in twee groepen: de ene groep kreeg een e-sigaret, de andere niet. Van de deelnemers in de groep die e-sigaretten kreeg, stopte het merendeel met roken. Later kreeg ook de controlegroep een e-sigaret . “Op het einde van de acht maanden durende studie onthield 21% van alle deelnemers zich volledig van het roken van tabak (biologisch geverifieerd, via CO-meting). Over alle groepen heen was het aantal gerookte tabakssigaretten per dag afgenomen met 60%.
Ter vergelijking: van alle rokers die louter op wilskracht proberen te stoppen, slaagt slechts 3 à 5% erin 6 tot 12 maanden rookvrij te blijven na een stoppoging.”
2014-09 Studie naar het stoppen met roken, Universiteit van Massachusetts -
Bij de Center for Study Research van de Universiteit van Massachusetts in Boston is een studie gedaan naar het stoppen met roken. Eén van de conclusies was dat rokers die tenminste één maand elektronische sigaretten hebben gebruikt, zes keer zo veel kans hadden om te stoppen met roken.
Het onderzoek is gepubliceerd in de journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research. De rokers zijn 3 jaar gevolgd voor dit onderzoek.
2014-08 Effectiveness and tolerability of electronic cigarette in real-life: a 24-month prospective observational study -
A study published in the journal Internal and Emergency Medicine reports that among a sample of 40 patients with no desire to quit smoking who were offered electronic cigarettes, 16 of them (40%) were either completely smoke-free or had cut down on their cigarette consumption by more than one-half at two-year follow-up.
Studie gepubliceerd in het tijdschrift Interne en Emergency Medicine meldt dat bij een steekproef onder 40 patiënten zonder plannen om te stoppen met roken, waaraan elektronische sigaretten werden aangeboden, 16 van hen (40%) volledig rookvrij waren, dus gestopt waren met roken of ze hadden hun consumptie van tabak sigaretten met meer dan de helft verminderd na twee jaar follow-up.
Dit is een verbazingwekkend resultaat, omdat je dit niet hoort van andere rookstopmiddelen. Het komt overeen met de verschillende verhalen die in fora voor mensen die elektrische sigaretten gebruiken. Een grote groep beschrijft dat zij niet bezig waren met het stoppen met roken. Maar wel een elektrische sigaret kochten. Een aantal stopt meteen de eerste dag. Een grote groep vindt binnen een week sigaretten onsmakelijk en constateren opeens dat ze alleen meer dampen. Er is ook nog een groep die er pakweg een maand over doet, maar zelfs een groep die gedurende een half jaar tot heel jaar langzaam aan minder sigaretten gaat roken, en uiteindelijk helemaal stoppen.
Meer informatie :
2014-07 Public health leadership and electronic cigarette users -
Gerry Stimson, emeritus professor Public Health, spreekt zijn verontrusting uit over de starre houding van de gezondheidszorg jegens de e-sigaret. "People cannot achieve their fullest health potential unless they are able to take control of those things which determine their health’. This seems to be exactly what electronic cigarette consumers are doing—taking control of things that determine their health. So it is also remarkable that this trend in electronic cigarette use has had little support from public health experts."
2014-07 Electronic cigarettes: review of use, content, safety, effects on smokers and potential for harm and benefit -
Conclusie: Het toestaan van elektrische sigaretten om te concurreren met sigaretten in de markt zou roken gerelateerde morbiditeit en mortaliteit verminderen. Elektrische sigaretten even strikt reguleren als sigaretten, of zelfs meer strikt, is niet gerechtvaardigd gezien de huidige gegevens. Gezondheidsdeskundigen kunnen overwegen rokers te adviseren om te stoppen via andere routes en over te stappen naar de elektrische sigaret als een veiliger alternatief voor roken als een mogelijkheid om het gebruik van nicotine te beëindiging.
EC (Electronic cigarettes) aerosol can contain some of the toxicants present in tobacco smoke, but at levels which are much lower. Long-term health effects of EC use are unknown but compared with cigarettes, EC are likely to be much less, if at all, harmful to users or bystanders. EC are increasingly popular among smokers, but to date there is no evidence of regular use by never-smokers or by non-smoking children. EC enable some users to reduce or quit smoking.
Allowing EC to compete with cigarettes in the market-place might decrease smoking-related morbidity and mortality. Regulating EC as strictly as cigarettes, or even more strictly as some regulators propose, is not warranted on current evidence.
2014-06 University Boston Study: Smokers Who Use E-Cigarettes Regularly More Likely to Quit Tobacco -
Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Boston have found that regular use of e-cigarettes may benefit smokers who are trying to kick the habit. The new study from the Center for Survey Research shows that smokers who used e-cigarettes daily for at least one month were six times as likely to quit smoking altogether, compared to those who rarely or never tried one.
2014-05 E-cigarette versus nicotine inhaler: comparing the perceptions and experiences of inhaled nicotine devices. -
CONCLUSION: The e-cigarette was more acceptable, provided more satisfaction, and had higher perceived benefit than the inhaler during this trial. E-cigarettes have the potential to be important nicotine delivery products owing to their high acceptance and perceived benefit
2014-05 E-cigarette use for quitting smoking is associated with improved success rates -
(London´s Global University) People attempting to quit smoking without professional help are approximately 60% more likely to report succeeding if they use e-cigarettes than if they use willpower alone or over-the-counter nicotine replacement therapies such as patches or gum, finds a large UCL survey of smokers in England. The study, published in Addiction, surveyed 5,863 smokers between 2009 and 2014 who had attempted to quit smoking without the aid of prescription medication or professional support.
(London´s Global University) Mensen die proberen te stoppen met roken zonder professionele hulp hebben ongeveer 60% meer kans om te slagen als ze gebruik maken van e-sigaretten, dan wanneer zij het alleen op wilskracht of ket nicotinevervangende middelen zoals pleisters of kauwgom proberen. Bevindingen uit een grote UCL studie over rokers in Engeland. De studie, gepubliceerd in tijdschrift "Addiction", ondervroeg 5.863 rokers tussen 2009 en 2014, die had geprobeerd om met roken te stoppen zonder de hulp van de voorgeschreven medicatie of professionele ondersteuning.
2014-05 Addiction - E-Cigarettes Can Help Smokers to Quit, New Research Shows -
The study surveyed 5,863 smokers between 2009 and 2014 who had attempted to quit smoking without the aid of prescription medication or professional support. 20% of people trying to quit with the aid of e-cigarettes reported having stopped smoking conventional cigarettes at the time of the survey.
“E-cigarettes could substantially improve public health because of their widespread appeal and the huge health gains associated with stopping smoking,” says Professor Robert West of University College London's Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, senior author of the study. “However, we should also recognise that the strongest evidence remains for use of the NHS stop-smoking services. These almost triple a smoker’s odds of successfully quitting compared with going it alone or relying on over-the-counter products.”
2014-04 Characteristics, Perceived Side Effects and Benefits of Electronic Cigarette Use: A Worldwide Survey of More than 19,000 Consumers -
Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos heeft onderzoek gedaan onder 19.500 dampers. Ruim 80% van hen is totaal gestopt met roken, slechts 0,5% had nooit eerder gerookt, en de rest is aanzienlijk minder gaan roken Dampen blijkt een effectieve tabaksvervanger.
2014-03 Effects of Duration of Electronic Cigarette Use / Department of Psychology, Oklahoma State University -
De tendens was dat E-cigarette gebruikers de sterkte van de nicotine in de e-sigaret producten lieten afnemen ongeacht de tijdsduur van het gebruik
2014-02 A longitudinal study of electronic cigarette users -
Conclusie : E-sigaretten kunnen bijdragen aan preventie tegen terugvallen naar roken bij voormalige rokers en kan bijdragen bij het stoppen met roken voor huidige rokers.
2013-12 Impact of Flavour Variability on Electronic Cigarette Use Experience: An Internet Survey -
A study, headed by Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos, finds that flavors play a major role in the overall experience of dedicated vapers which supports the hypothesis that flavored e liquids are important contributors in reducing or eliminating the smoking of tobacco cigarettes. Published December 2013.
2013-10 A fresh look at tobacco harm reduction: the case for the electronic cigarette -
These figures clearly suggest that smokers are finding electronic cigarettes helpful. If they were ineffective one would not expect the market to take off as it is. Most importantly, even if this Tobacco harm reduction product proves to be effective for only 25% of the smoking population, it could save millions of lives world-wide over the next ten years.
2013-09 First trial to compare e-cigarettes with nicotine patches shows comparable success in helping smokers to quit -
Barcelona, Spain: The first ever trial to compare e-cigarettes with nicotine patches has found that both methods result in comparable success in quitting, with roughly similar proportions of smokers who used either method remaining abstinent from smoking for six months after a 13 week course of patches or e-cigarettes.
2013-03 ‘Vaping’ profiles and preferences: an online survey of electronic cigarette users -
1,347 vapers were surveyed in an effort to characterize e-cigarette use, users and effects. Results generally showed respondents found ecigarettes to be satisfying to use; cause few side effects; considered healthier than smoking, resulted in improve cough/breathing and lowered levels of craving. The survey was hosted at the University of East London.
2012-04 Electronic cigarettes: achieving a balanced perspective -
The paper mentions a study that found of more than 2000 former smokers in this survey, 96% reported that the e-cigarette helped them to stop smoking.
2011 - Effect of an electronic nicotine delivery device (e-Cigarette) on smoking reduction and cessation: a prospective 6-month pilot study -
Institute of Internal Medicine and Clinical Immunology, University of Catania. A study showing the use of e cigarettes substantially decreased cigarette consumption without causing significant side effects in smokers who had no intention to quit.
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